the biting truth


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i'll start tomorrow

This morning brings new resolutions. As usual.

I have started so many diets. I could not began to count them if I tried. When I was a chubby teenager, I used to lay in bed every night and promise myself I would "start" tomorrow. My fat sister and I promised each other. The morning would come and go. Sometimes we really did diet for a few weeks, or days. Usually we were "good" until dinnertime.

I am really good at starting a diet.

1 comment:

The Masked Mommy said...

Ha! I know exactly the feeling! I was always chubby as a teenager also (and having 2 children hasn't helped anything). I really need to diet, but for now I'm focusing on getting my house under control. I've been thinking about posting my weight on my blog weekly. After all, no one knows who I am! :-)