Join Christa @ Quintooples for encouragement in the quest to be fit
OK. Here's my confession for Flabby Friday. Thanks for the great idea, Christa, mommy of quintooples.
I have come to the sad and depressing realization that I am mourning the loss of food. Food has become my companion. My friend. Denying the relationship is part of my problem. I am coming out of the closet; I love food. Well, it is really a love/hate relationship. But, I do feel a loss when I consider never turning to food again for comfort. Food has been "good" to me. It has brought me comfort. It has made me feel happy. We have celebrated many things together.
Food and I are breaking up. Oh, we'll still see each other at mealtimes or when I am hungry. But, I will not be turning to the big F for fun and comfort anymore. Sigh. The relationship is over and I am sad.